Katie LaCelle

As a Nally Ventures Senior Leadership Advisor and coach, Katie LaCelle helps new leaders uncover and develop the leader already inside them and established leaders get past limiting mindsets so they can continue to grow.

Katie’s own journey as a leader and coach is one of constant development. After earning a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Connecticut, she started her career at Deloitte Consulting, working for clients in the healthcare, telecommunications, and energy industries. From Deloitte, she moved to General Dynamics in an internal consulting role, managing projects and systems for various business units.

Katie next moved to Definitive Logic, a small but growing federal consulting company. She and her former boss from General Dynamics were tasked with creating the company’s Financial Management practice from the ground up. In 7 years, they grew it into a 100+ person practice, with Katie as its Deputy Director. In addition to her many internal responsibilities in strategic direction, operations, and staff development, she performed various client-facing roles in project management, training, system architecture, and functional requirements translation.

Katie earned a master’s degree in Organizational Leadership from Gonzaga University and is a certified Project Management Professional, a Certified Scrum Master, and a flying trapeze and handstand instructor. In addition to leadership coaching, Katie also offers IFS coaching through her own company (founded in 2022), helping people work through stuck mindsets and understand the link between body and mind. She sees human psychology as a key differentiator in leadership, teaming, and communications, and believes that organizations that understand what humans need to thrive, work sustainably, and avoid burnout have an enormous advantage in staff retention and strong teams. Nally Ventures’ clients benefit from Katie’s considerable skills and experiences in corporate and unconventional environments and her education in leadership, psychology, human behavior, and neuroscience. Helping people learn to believe in themselves, see their inner strength, and examine their own judgments, biases, and habitual behaviors is truly her passion.

Katie lives in the DC metro area with her husband and two tabby cats. With a background as a classically trained singer, she enjoys listening to and making music. Katie’s other hobbies include travel, hiking, playing video games, reading, and having a good cup of tea.

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