Negotiation Workshop

Program Description:

Foundational knowledge of negotiations, effective interpersonal and communication skills, and practical negotiation techniques are the key elements of our Negotiation Training. This program can be tailored for all levels of sales experience. Both new and seasoned sales professionals can gain a competitive edge to create stronger customer relationships and identify new opportunities to reach their goals. Participants also gain proficiency in developing negotiation strategies and learn winning techniques to consistently and confidently present the company’s value proposition to meet client needs.

Topics: Sales, communication, negotiations, business relationships

Length: 4, 3-hour sessions

Cadence: These sessions can be facilitated in-person (weekly, bi-weekly or monthly), virtually (weekly with shorter sessions), or through multi full-day workshops (consecutive days, weekly, monthly or quarterly).

Course Language: English

Recommended Group Size: 10 to 25

Location: Sessions can be held at your facilities, our team can help you secure a space, or smaller groups can be hosted at our Bethany Beach, Delaware office.

Key Components:

  • Pre-Program Survey
  • Access to the Nally Learning Hub
  • Practical Application assignments after each session, NO BUSY WORK!

Program Sessions:

What is a negotiation?
  • Define negotiation and understand that everyone negotiates.
  • Navigate a process for effective negotiation.
  • Understand the styles of negotiation and the factors that influence a negotiation.
  • Learn the negotiation parameters and expectations of your organization.
Skills of Effective Negotiators
  • Examine the skills of effective negotiators.
  • Apply skills to negotiate more effectively.
Negotiation Techniques
  • Learn winning techniques to leverage the value of the company.
  • Increase win ratio and decrease sales cycle by leading the negotiation with confidence and control.
Practice Negotiating
  • Learn a process to systematically overcome objections (LAIR).
  • Examine nine proven closing techniques.
  • Put your negotiation learnings into practice through role-playing.
  • Rapidly grow your self-confidence and skills through personalized and actionable feedback.