Management Essentials

Program Description:

This proven program accelerates leadership development and organizational performance by enhancing knowledge of key management principles and practices. Employees at all levels learn how to apply leadership mindsets, processes and communication tools to reach their full potential as extraordinary leaders and managers. Throughout this tailored 12-session program, we tackled topics around effective communication, mindful delegation, mastering priorities, and team building. We integrated real-life challenges, role-playing scenarios, and collaborative activities to refresh and enhance the participants’ skills.

Topics: Management, communication, emotional intelligence, delegation

Length: 12, 3-hour sessions

Cadence: This program can be facilitated in-person (bi-weekly or monthly), virtually (weekly with shorter sessions), or through multi full-day workshops (monthly or quarterly).

Course Language: English

Recommended Group Size: 10 to 25

Location: Sessions can be held at your facilities, our team can help you secure a space, or smaller groups can be hosted at our Bethany Beach, Delaware office.

Key Components:

  • Pre and Post-Program Assessments completed by program participants and their supervisors to measure improvement
  • Access to the Nally Learning Hub
  • Practical Application assignments after each session, NO BUSY WORK!

Program Sessions:

Introduction & Skills of Effective Managers
  • Identify the role of managers.
  • Examine the skills of effective managers.
  • Learn how to boost emotional intelligence and evaluate your management skills to be a more effective manager.
Owning Ownership
  • Define the mindset of ownership.
  • Learn how to own intent, actions, and inactions.
  • Identify how ownership can enhance your levels of resilience, resourcefulness, and resolve.
Be a Communication Catalyst
  • Examine the three common causes of communication breakdowns.
  • Learn how to create mindful connections.
  • Master winning techniques to spark successful and positive communications.
Understanding Temperaments
  • Identify the four different types
  • of temperaments as described by Keirsey.
  • Examine the different patterns of thinking, communication, and leadership styles.
  • Learn the best approach for communicating with each temperament.
Reframe Your Thinking (“Filters”)
  • Identify how perceptions, i.e., “filters,” influence thinking.
  • Examine how filters affect leadership style.
  • Learn a proven process to reframe thinking.
Managing A Tough Conversation
  • Understand how to diagnose a situation before it intensifies.
  • Learn the keys to navigating
  • Tough conversations.
  • Engage in a role-play scenario.
Mindful Delegation
  • Assess and define effective delegation.
  • Learn to create a delegation statement.
  • Understand when and what to delegate.
Motivation & Appreciation
  • Understand the differences between motivation and appreciation and the best situation to use each.
  • Learn the different kinds of motivation and what drives each.
  • Create a motivation inventory of yourself
  • and your team.
Effective Planning
  • Understand how to define clear, measurable and meaningful goals.
  • Learn planning steps to achieve SMART goals.
  • Master the 5W’s and 1H.
Mastering Priorities
  • Establish a process for determining priorities of work.
  • Learn effective time management techniques.
  • Understand how and when to implement the contingency plan.
Effective Problem-Solving
  • Learn how to effectively identify a problem and examine its root cause.
  • Implement a problem-solving methodology.
  • Acquire the steps to successfully solve problems and present solutions.
Leadership Action Plan
  • Review key concepts.
  • Participants identify top program takeaways and share their commitment to continuous improvement.