Join the Nally Ventures and ABC Delaware team for Part 3 of our Manager’s Communication Blueprint Series, Communicate With Purpose: The 4C’s and Reframing Your Mindset. Participants will master the art of purposeful communication with advanced strategies and tools that promote engagement and adaptability.
In this session, you will:
• Understand the 4Cs: Connect, Communicate, Collaborate, and Confirm, and how to implement them for impactful communication.
• Practice successful communication techniques through role-play exercises, enhancing both confidence and capability.
• Explore the concept of mental “filters” and how these influence leadership perceptions and communication style.
• Learn and apply a step-by-step process for reframing thinking, essential for maintaining a positive and growth-oriented mindset.
• Craft a detailed action plan that consolidates learning from the series, focusing on real-world application and long-term leadership enhancement, ensuring sustainable improvements in both team management and individual growth.