How well do you know yourself? Do you know what motivates you? Do you understand how you typically behave in various situations? Can you point to circumstances where you perform at your best…and worst?
Now, how well do you know your teammates in these ways? Or, if you’re a leader, how well do you know your team and your fellow leaders?
Assessments are a window that lets you see yourself and others more clearly.
That insight creates many opportunities. When you better know yourself and those around you, you can adjust how you approach your work and your interactions, and build more productive relationships in and out of the workplace.
Deeper insight through The Birkman Method
One of the assessment methods we frequently use in our coaching and development work with individuals and teams is The Birkman Method. Developed by Dr. Roger Birkman in 1951, this assessment has evolved into a comprehensive system that examines individuals in four areas:
- Usual behavior: How someone typically behaves in a normal, non-stressful environment when they are at their best.
- Stress behavior: How someone reacts under pressure or in stressful situations.
- Needs: What someone needs in order to be at their best and motivated at work.
- Interests: What someone finds engaging or motivating in tasks, roles, or projects.
Why these areas? Because each provides a different view of how a person behaves and what drives them. Together, they allow for a deeper understanding of what makes someone motivated, engaged, and productive.
For example, someone who needs a high level of autonomy might struggle in a micromanaged environment but thrive when given the freedom to work independently. By identifying needs like these, Birkman provides a road map for better aligning people, the work they do, and their environment to create stronger engagement and satisfaction.
Similarly, a person might react differently under pressure or in high-stress situations. Knowing how someone might behave when they’re feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, or underappreciated can aid in conflict resolution and stress management. This is particularly helpful for team and leadership development, as teams and leaders often need to navigate stressful situations and understand how different team members may respond.
Incorporating interests into the assessment is a unique feature of the Birkman Method. Looking at someone’s preferences for what they find stimulating or engaging can help in a few ways. For one, it can help organizations tailor roles, teams, and projects to increase motivation and satisfaction. For another, it supports career development and coaching, helping guide individuals toward opportunities that encourage growth and engagement.
Interests aren’t always about work, though. Birkman rates 10 different interests. Many people have high interests that have nothing to do with their jobs, but are an important part of their personal lives and hobbies. So, if someone is feeling burned out or overly stressed at work, it may be because they are spending a lot of time on activities they find draining and not enough time on interests that energize them. Birkman’s Interests report can help people achieve more balance and, ultimately, higher satisfaction.
How do we use Birkman assessments in our work at Nally Leadership? We’ll look at the specifics in our follow-on post.