#AskNally – From team member to manager

Q: I recently moved from being a part of the team to leading the team. As the manager of the team I used to work with side by side everyday, I am struggling to set boundaries and provide the right guidance and support to each team member.

A: Moving from team member to manager can be a challenging transition. Internal team members are often promoted due to their high achievements and work ethic on a team, and may not always possess the necessary management and leadership skills to feel confident in their new position. You are now not only in charge of your own work, but directing, guiding and motivating others in the right way so they can achieve success as well. To make this transition as smooth as possible, here are a few tips:

✏️Get support – Reach out to your internal training or HR departments to see what additional support or training is available for you. This could be an internal training course or mentor program, or it could include outsourced support in the form of one-on-one coaching. Finding the right accelerated support for your needs is crucial.

✏️Reflect – Take some time to reflect on the leaders you have had throughout your life. What did they do well? Who were your favorite managers? How can you channel their skill sets and incorporate them into your leadership style in an authentic way? Use these answers to develop your management style and begin to develop a plan to gradually implement your new ideas to the team.

✏️Align with your supervisor – Get up to speed on the expectations of your new position and what success looks like for your department. Having clear goals to align your team around will allow you to more easily manage standards, expectations, and boundaries.

✏️Direct, Guide, and Motivate – These three things are the foundations of management. Each day, ask yourself, how did I direct, guide, and motivate my team members and help move them toward our shared goals?

✏️Be patient – Strengthening your management skills, building trust as a leader, and maintaining your new boundaries is going to take time and work. Be consistent and be patient. You got this!

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