Leverage your leadership temperament: What famous leader do you identify with?

The answer


Did any of these surprise you? Do you see yourself in any of these leaders?

Strengths across the board

As this variety of leaders and temperaments shows, no one temperament is a harbinger of success. Temperament is more a sign of how someone approaches situations and challenges. Leaders who understand this are able to not only leverage their own strengths but also effectively communicate with and lead different types of people. They’re also better at matching people to tasks, building strong teams, and using those teams to best advantage.

Now, the how-to

Next, we’ll look at the “how” of leveraging temperaments. This starts with ways to identify someone’s temperament in order to build effective communication skills and overall leadership skills.

See more in Know your audience, speak their language, and see your leadership effectiveness soar. 


P.S. Insights gained from assessments are a critical part of leadership development. See how we use them to drive results.